Please click on the relevant tab to access careers contact details for the correct school.
Careers Leader: Penny Hudson
E-mail: Telephone: 01325 720424
Links: Blog | CEaG Policy | Provider Access Policy | Facebook
Careers Leader: James Raw | Gill Smith
E-mails: |
Telephone: 01325 380815
Links: CEIAG Policy | Provider Access Policy | Facebook
Careers Programme & Events – Longfield
The Careers Team:
- Mr J Raw: Career Lead. Level 6 qualification In Career Lead.
- Mrs G Smith: Postgraduate Diploma in Careers Guidance part 1 and 2.
- Mr K Thompson: SLT Link
- Mrs T Singh: School Governor.
Our intent is to provide all our pupils with a quality careers programme which raises aspirations and allows them to make effective informed decision on future pathways and career choices. Careers Education forms an integral part of all aspects of school life and forms a key part of the Personal Development programme.
During PD time pupils study Careers in the wider world which links specifically to both the PSCHE and Career Development Framework (CDI). Pupils have the opportunity to explore the following areas:
- Grow throughout life in careers.
- Explore possible opportunities in careers.
- Managing a Career
- Create opportunities in careers.
- Balancing life and work.
- The Bigger Picture.
During the weekly sessions pupils continue to build on prior knowledge and are encouraged to develop employability skills through collaborative learning, presenting and teamwork.
Curriculum learning
Although Careers is taught as a stand-alone curriculum element within PD, Benchmark 4 is a priority for all subjects. Where possible pupils will become aware of key occupations linked to curriculum areas, key Labour market information and how the skills they are using link to the wider world.
In addition to this all pupils will experience at least one meaningful encounter with an employer each academic year and participate in a range of career activities.
Impartial Career Advice
Mrs Smith the school Career Advisor is based in the school library all pupils can request a careers interview to help them make key informed decisions. In this meeting pupils will discuss their career aspirations and be supported in preparing for post 16 opportunities. All pupils in year 11 will receive at least one interview to help support them make the right choices at post 16. Many pupils in year 11 will have additional support to ensure that we meet the need of all our pupils.
In year 9 many pupils will have a careers interview to support them with their option choices.
Career Programme
Year 7:
Personal Development |
Drop down days / Enrichment |
Grow throughout life in Careers: Careers guidance and support The importance of communication, teamwork, and resilience. |
Future Skills Questionnaire |
Explore possibilities in Careers: What is Labour market information? How can Labour market information inform career choices? Investigating a local business. |
Managing my Career My career values and aspirations Self-awareness and employability skills Managing change. |
Create opportunities in Careers. Breaking stereotypes Decision making and entrepreneurial thinking. |
Balancing Life and work Why we work. Work life balance Basic concepts linked to savings. |
Y7 Careers Day |
The Bigger picture Investigating working life Opportunities in the Tees Valley Part time and community work. |
Year 8:
Personal Development |
Drop down days / Enrichment |
Grow throughout life in Careers: Careers guidance and support Developing employability skills and my strengths Team building task and self-reflection. |
Explore possibilities in Careers: Exploring Labour market information Local business and apprenticeships. |
Managing my Career How my interests and values influence career choices and aspirations. The importance of self-determination and resilience. Key skills and qualities linked to specific jobs and occupations. |
Create opportunities in Careers. Academic and Technical qualifications Enterprise and decision making. |
NHS Career opportunities theatre production
Balancing Life and work Work life balance Saving and budgeting for the future Working contributions and tax. |
Future Options Day |
The Bigger picture Investigating working life Growth Sectors in the Tees Valley The benefits of voluntary and community-based work. |
Year 9:
Personal Development |
Drop down days / Enrichment |
Grow throughout life in Careers: Careers guidance and support Developing employability skills inside and outside of school Team building task and self-reflection. |
Explore possibilities in Careers: Exploring Labour market information National Businesses and Recruitment Preparation for University visit. |
Technical and Apprenticeship Day Year 9 Sunderland University visit |
Managing my Career Developing resilience and self-awareness Managing change and career options Key skills and qualities linked to specific jobs and occupations. |
Future Skills Questionnaire Year 9 Sunderland University visit Year 9 Option evening: Post 16 providers present. |
Create opportunities in Careers. Vocational, academic, and technical pathways available to me at post 16 Setting up your own business. |
CPI visit / Day visit in the Science Department
Balancing Life and work Work life balance Financial planning and key terms. |
The Bigger picture How the working world is changing Types of recruitment and working conditions Applying for an apprenticeship. |
Year 10:
Personal Development |
Drop down days / Enrichment |
Create opportunities in Careers. How to source and secure a suitable WEX placement Health and safety in the workplace |
Work experience launch: Pupil and parent assembly |
Explore possibilities in Careers: Exploration of vocational, technical and academic courses available in the Tees Valley
Grow throughout life in Careers: Work experience ready Job specifications Health and Safety in the workplace
Work Experience Preparation Day Work Experience week Employer encounter non WEX pupils |
Managing my Career Career websites and where to look for jobs. CV writing and job applications. Different types of careers and contracts
Balancing Life and work Saving for the future Credit and debt Mortgages and pensions. |
Future Options Year 10 Parents Evening: Post 16 providers present.
The Bigger picture What does the future job market look like? How employers recruit Occupations in the public and private sector Labour Market information. |
Darlington College Taster visit Queen Elizabeth 6th Form Taster visit.
Year 11:
Personal Development & Assemblies |
Drop down days / Enrichment |
Managing my Career = Post 16 provider assemblies. Queen Elizabeth 6th form, UTC, Carmel, Darlington College, Apprenticeships, National Citizen Service. |
Year 11 post 16 Open Evening and revision night. |
Explore possibilities through Careers Higher and Further Education pathways Interviews and applications National Careers Service. |
Post 16 Application Day. |
The bigger picture Interpreting Labour Market information Financial planning and budgeting Working contracts and types of employment. |
LMI assembly. |
Apprenticeship Workshop Year 11 Parents Evening: Post 16 providers present. |
Evaluation and Review
- Following each key careers event a questionnaire will be used to evaluate the quality of the provision and to inform developments
- Update destination data when information is provided by Local authority, performance tables / analyse school performance
Further Information
- Longfield Academy is open to allow providers and employees access to pupils to enhance their careers programme. A provider access policy is posted on the school website to facilitate this.
- 2. Parents’ evenings for year 9, 10 & 11 pupils will provide further opportunities for access to pupils and / or parents / carers.
- During KS4 parents’ evenings and GCSE results day, the in-house careers adviser and local post 16 providers will be available for parents and students.
This website is owned and operated by Inicio Academies.
Tel: 01325 461315
c/o Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form College, Vane Terrace, Darlington, Co. Durham, DL3 7AU, COMPANY No. 7533271